πŸ’ͺDifficulty Judge

Learn how to enter scores as a difficulty judge and what your responsibilities are.


A difficulty judge is responsible for entering the difficulty of the routine performed, as well as any bonus and neutral deductions. In Judge's Companion, the Difficulty Judge is also the head judge: they are responsible for reviewing and submitting the final score.

The D1 also can scratch athletes and revoke scores, allowing them and other judges to revise a score.

If you've been assigned both the Difficulty role and execution roles, you don't need to change a thing: Judge's Companion will merge your roles and present you with all the different values you need to enter.

The roadmap of a D-Judge

We've made an interactive roadmap for visual learners on how to submit difficulty scores work in Judge's Companion. Check it out!


If you're a difficulty judge you have a few responsibilities for each routine performed:

  1. Enter the difficulty, neutral deductions, and bonus

  2. Review and submit the final score once all the D and E scores are submitted

  3. Scratching athletes (defaulting to zero)

  4. Revoking scores for editing

Logging in as a D-Judge

To enter scores a difficulty judge after logging in you'll need to select the apparatus you're judging on, the rotation (listed chronologically) you're judging, and the D1 role from the list of roles.

Filtering Scores

You can filter which scores you see and which you don't. The different options will filter the athletes being displayed. In all cases, athletes are displayed in the order of competition relative to this rotation.

  • All: see all the athletes regardless of their score status

  • Not Submitted: see all athletes with un-submitted and non-scratched scores

  • Submitted: See athletes who've had their final scores submitted

  • Scratched: See the athletes you've scratched (defaulted to zero)

Entering Scores

As the difficulty judge, there are two steps you must complete for every athlete's score:

  1. Enter the difficulty, bonus and neutral deductions you've calculated

  2. Once everyone at the judging table has submitted their scores, you must review and submit the final score.

Entering D, Bonus, and ND

Entering the difficulty, neutral deductions, and bonus is easy. Once you've identified the athlete you want to judge tap 'Enter Score'. You'll be prompted to enter the three values.

If left empty, the neutral deductions and bonus will default to zero.

The bonus value is typically only added in non-FIG level competitions. In FIG rules connection bonuses and series bonuses are added directly to the difficulty.

In Gym Art Meets the start value of a routine includes the bonus points.

How difficulty scores work

If you're new to judging, below is an interactive guide on how difficulty scores work in Women's and Men's Artistic Gymnastics.

Submitting the final score

Once you've entered the D, ND, and Bonus for the athlete, you'll need to wait for the execution judges to enter their scores. Once everyone has entered their scores, you have to review and submit the final score. This extra step allows you to catch any errors and inconsistencies in the judging process.

To submit the final routine's score follow these steps:

  1. Tap the 'Submit Score' button

    1. This will present you with a review page where you can see the scores you entered, any execution deductions, which ones were counted, the average, and the final score.

  2. Tap on 'Submit' in the top right corner to submit the score.

Scores are only posted online when they are submitted.

You can always revoke any score that you've submitted. This will allow you and other judges to make changes to the score before submitting it again.

Scratching an Athlete

As a difficulty judge it's also possible to scratch an athlete and remove them from the competition. If this has not already been done by the administrator, follow these steps:

  1. Press the 'Remove' button in the bottom left of an athlete's tile.

  2. Click Scratch in the confirmation dialog and the athlete will be scratched.

This athlete's score on this apparatus will now be defaulted to zero.

To scratch an athlete means to default their score to 0

Scratching is reversible. Just tap the 'Undo' button and the athlete's routine status will be reset

Revoking a Score

If you and your judge table have to edit a score after it's been submitted you'll need to revoke it first. This will remove the current score from the scoreboard and allow you and the other judges to make any necessary changes to it.

To revoke a score:

  1. Make sure the athlete filter is either All or Submitted so that you can view completed scores

  2. Click on the undo button from a submitted athlete's score.

  3. Tap on the 'Revoke' button and click 'Yes' on the dialogue.

This will allow all other judges (the Execution Judges and you, the Difficulty Judge) to make any necessary modifications to the score. To resubmit the score, simply tap the 'Submit' button, review the entries and tap 'Submit' in the top right corner.

Last updated